delightful linked data delightful

A curated list of linked data resources for developers.

TODO: Improve layout and structure (see #1).



After the hype surrounding the Semantic Web subsided in 2006 the use of Linked Data remained mostly restricted to scientific circles and for use in SEO, popularized by Google. Much of the power of Linked Data remains untapped.. until 2018 when - with the rise of the ActivityPub-based Fediverse and initiatives such as Tim Berners-Lee Solid Project and Rebooting The Web of Trust - there is renewed interest and growing popularity of Linked Data-based technology.

This curated list, which is part of the delightful project, aims to help developers find the best resources available to create new Linked Data applications. The entries in this list are carefully selected from a technology landscape that is still strewn with leftovers from the Semantic Web era that should be avoided. This list offers you the code projects and information resources that are relevant today.

Please help improve this list

Did you find something that should be part of the list? We'd love :heart: your contribution in the form of an issue on the tracker, or - better yet - a Pull Request to the repo. Contributors can list themselves as delightful contributors. Read here how to do that.

Important: Many projects are under active development. To be part of this list your submission should at least have some level of direct applicability and usability / production-readiness. Experimental and alpha-stage codebases are probably not eligible. When in doubt create an issue first, before sending your PR.


Core specifications

W3C specifications that define the Resource Description Framework.

W3C specifications that define OWL or the Web Ontology Language.

W3C specifications that define JSON-LD or JSON-based Linked Data.

Fediverse specifications

Solid specifications

Note: As of 2020 the Solid ecosystem specifications are undergoing significant refactoring. The entries below are early drafts and subject to change.

The Solid ecosystem provides a set of specifications that work together.

The individual Solid specifications are:

Hydra specifications

Hydra stands for interoperable Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs. The Hydra working group aims to simplify the development of Hydra APIs and clients.

Information topics

Linked Data

This list contains generic information resources to working with Linked Data.















If you have questions or feedback regarding this list, then please create an Issue in our tracker, and optionally @mention one or more of our maintainers:


With delight we present you some of our delightful contributors (please add yourself if you are missing).


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